
This tutorial will help you learn to use the crosstalk package to link different htmlwidgets. After completing this tutorial, you will be able to build an application like the one below, which visualizes the number of rides at a sample of Chicago train stations in 2019 versus 2020.

Click and drag a subset of points on the scatterplot below to see how the map and table are dynamically filtered.


This tutorial assumes familiarity with the following packages:

  • ggplot2
  • plotly
  • DT
  • leaflet

You don’t need to be an expert of any of these packages to follow along. However, syntax related to those packages won’t be explained in great detail.

Introducing SharedData

crosstalk is powerful because it lets you create a SharedData object.

Typical data.frames (and tibbles, data.tables, etc.) are static. When we pass that data into a function like ggplot(), the flow of information is unidirectional. We take the data, make one or more plots, and all of those pieces are independent and agnostic to one another.

In contrast, SharedData allows you to create multiple downstream objects (like ggplotly objects) that can transmit information between them.

Conceptually, this works because ggplotly and other JavaScript-based htmlwidgets can sense inputs such as button clicks and “react”. This information can be sent back to the SharedData object and cause other objects that were derived from the SharedData object to react. In the example below, plot 2 sends information back to plot 1 via the SharedData object.

Creating a SharedData object

To create a SharedData object, we must specify it’s key. The key is one or more columns of our dataset for which we want to capture values and transmit to other objects.

For example, in the demo app, highlighting stations on the scatterplot filters stations in the map and table, so station_id would be the variable we would want in the key.

Once we pick our key, we can create a new SharedData object like this:

data_ct <- SharedData$new(data, key = {one or more column names give as right-hand side of formula})

For example, consider the trips dataset which contains one row per station with summary statistics on 2019 and 2020 rides.

## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##   station_name     station_id year_2019 pct_change prop_wend_2019
##   <chr>            <chr>          <dbl>      <dbl>          <dbl>
## 1 Quincy/Wells     40040         188680      -0.95           0.05
## 2 UIC-Halsted      40350         170257      -0.95           0.08
## 3 Merchandise Mart 40460         194647      -0.98           0.06
## 4 Southport        40360          91278      -0.96           0.14
## 5 Chicago/Franklin 40710         167448      -0.92           0.1 
## 6 Ridgeland        40610          32748      -0.89           0.09

We can make a SharedData object like this:

trips_ct <- SharedData$new(trips, key = ~station_id)

Notice that station_id is preceded by a tilde (~) because key expects a formula not a variable name as input.

Using SharedData in plots

We can pass SharedData to ggplot2::ggplot() just like a normal dataframe.

gg <- ggplot(trips_ct, aes(year_2019, pct_change)) + geom_point()

And like any other ggplot (that is, the following does not require crosstalk), you may pass this ggplot object into plotly::ggplotly() to turn it into an htmlwidget.


Ex: One dataset, two plots

Now that you know how to make a SharedData object with crosstalk, we can make our first application. The steps are:

  1. Create a SharedData object
  2. Make htmlwidgets with SharedData input
  • Here, we do this first by making ggplot objects…
  • …and then converting them to ggplotly objects
  1. Output results

For step 3, I use the crosstalk::bscols() function to put the resulting interactive plots in a row (similar to grid.arrange.) However, you could also just output them one-at-a-time.

In the output below, click on a point on one plot and notice that the point related to the same station is highlighted in the other plot.

# make SharedData object ----
trips_ct <- SharedData$new(trips, key = ~station_id)

# make ggplots using SharedData object ----
gg_year <-
  ggplot(trips_ct) +
  aes(x = year_2019, y = pct_change, col = pct_change) +
gg_week <- 
  ggplot(trips_ct) +
  aes(x = prop_wend_2019, y = pct_change, col = pct_change) +
# convert ggplots to ggplotly ----
gg_year_ly <- ggplotly(gg_year)
gg_week_ly <- ggplotly(gg_week)

# compose output ----
bscols(gg_year_ly, gg_week_ly)

Quiz: SharedData key

Which one of the following demonstrates the correct way to create a SharedData object which should share information about the station_id column of the trips dataset?

  • trips_ct <- SharedData$new(trips, group = ~station_id)
  • trips_ct <- SharedData$new(trips)
  • trips_ct <- SharedData$new(trips, key = ~station_id)
  • trips_ct <- SharedData$new(trips, key = 'station_id')

Highlight the answer in white text: Answer 3 is correct. The columns named should be passesd as a formula not a character, and to the “key” parameter not “group”.

Beyond plots

crosstalk doesn’t just work with plots! It works with selected other htmlwidgets also. Specifically, you may use a SharedData object with DT tables and leaflet maps. Just as with ggplot(), you simply pass your SharedData into functions from these packages just as you would a normal dataframe.

Ex: One dataset, two widgets

In the following example, we will now make a plot interact with a table instead of another plot. Let’s recall our key steps and then execute!

  1. Create a SharedData object
  2. Make htmlwidgets with SharedData input
  • Before this was two ggplotlys
  • Now, we have one ggplotly and one datatable
  1. Output results
  • We could use bscols again, but I didn’t to show that it wasn’t necessary
# make SharedData object ----
trips_ct <- SharedData$new(trips, key = ~station_id)

# make ggplots using SharedData object ----
gg_year <-
  ggplot(trips_ct) +
  aes(x = year_2019, y = pct_change, col = pct_change) +

# make htmlwidgets ----
gg_year_ly <- ggplotly(gg_year)
dt_stations <- datatable(trips_ct)

# compose output ----

Multiple datasets

If you recall our original motivation, we also showed a map. To make this map, we need the latitude and longitude of each station. However, this isn’t in our trips dataset. Instead, it is in the stations dataset shown below.

## # A tibble: 6 x 4
## # Groups:   station_id [6]
##   station_id station_name   lat   lon
##   <chr>      <chr>        <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 40040      Quincy/Wells  41.9 -87.6
## 2 40150      Pulaski       41.9 -87.7
## 3 40280      Central       41.9 -87.8
## 4 40350      UIC-Halsted   41.9 -87.6
## 5 40360      Southport     41.9 -87.7
## 6 40390      Forest Park   41.9 -87.8

Fortunately, we can link multiple SharedData objects together!

(In theory, we could also join stations and trips and use one dataset. We intentionally won’t do that to motivate the next example.)

Linking SharedData objects

To link multiple SharedData objects, we can specify a group argument when constructing the SharedData objects. group is a character string that servers as a unique identifier for a set of SharedData objects across whom the key information should be transmitted.

We can create multiple, linked SharedData objects like this:

data1_ct <- SharedData$new(data, key = ~var1, group = "xyz")
data2_ct <- SharedData$new(data, key = ~var2, group = "xyz")

In the example above, the data1_ct and data2_ct will share information since they have the same value for group. The values for var1 will be used to filter var2 and vice versa.

Ex: Two datasets, two widgets

Now, let’s practice. We follow the same recipe as before. Only now we create two SharedData objects.

  1. Create a SharedData objects
  2. Make htmlwidgets with SharedData input
  3. Output results
# make SharedData object ----
trips_ct <- SharedData$new(trips, key = ~station_id, group = "group")
stations_ct <- SharedData$new(stations, key = ~station_id, group = "group")

# make ggplots with SharedData object ----
gg_year <-
  ggplot(trips_ct) +
  aes(x = year_2019, y = pct_change, col = pct_change) +
# make htmlwidgets ----
gg_year_ly <- ggplotly(gg_year)
lf_station <- leaflet(stations_ct) %>% addTiles() %>% addMarkers()

# compose output ----
bscols(gg_year_ly, lf_station)

Quiz: SharedData group

Consider the following code initializing SharedData objects.

data1_ct <- SharedData$new(data1, key = ~x, group = "a")
data2_ct <- SharedData$new(data2, key = ~y, group = "a")
data3_ct <- SharedData$new(data1, key = ~x, group = "b")

Which two datasets wil be linked in the output?

Highlight the answer in white text: data1_ct and data2_ct because they share the same group.


Now, let’s return to our motivational example. With what you’ve learned, you should now be able to understand all of the code required to reproduce it. Read through and think about how each part maps to the output and matches the steps we’ve been following:

  1. Create a SharedData objects
  2. Make htmlwidgets with SharedData input
  3. Output results
# load libraries ----

# create SharedData ----
trips_ct <- SharedData$new(trips, key = ~station_id, group = "loc")
trips_sub_ct <- SharedData$new(trips[,c("station_name", "station_id", "pct_change")], 
                               key = ~station_id, group = "loc")
stations_ct <- SharedData$new(stations, key = ~station_id, group = "loc")

# create individual widgets ----

# map
lf <- leaflet(stations_ct) %>% addTiles() %>% addMarkers()

# table
dt <- datatable(trips_sub_ct,
                fillContainer = TRUE,
                rownames = FALSE,
                colnames = c("Station", "ID", "% Change"),
                options = list(autowidth = TRUE))

# plot
gg <- ggplot(trips_ct) +
      x = prop_wend_2019, 
      y = pct_change,
      col = pct_change,
      name = station_name) +
    geom_point() +
    guides(col = FALSE) +
    x = "% Apr 2019 Trips on Weekend",
    y = "% Change Apr 2020 vs 2019"
  ) +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent)
gg_ly <- 
  ggplotly(gg, tooltip = "name") %>%
  highlight(on = "plotly_selected",
            off = "plotly_doubleclick")

# create final output ----
bscols(gg_ly, lf, dt, widths = c(6, 6, 12))

Learn more!

To learn more about crosstalk and browser-based interactivity in R, check out package author Carson Sievert’s book Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny from CRC Press!