Often when columns are operated on, their former name will no longer correctly indicate their properties. For example, when binary indicator variables are summed, they become integer count variables instead.

rename_convo(vbls, convo)



Character vector of variable names to transform


convo object with at least one vocabulary item with rename property


Character vector of column names renamed per convo specification


This function allows users to specify the rename property in their convo to explain how certain variables ought be renamed when transformed. It plays particularly nicely with the automatic renaming conventions of dplyr scoped operators, as shown in the second example.


path <- system.file("", "ex-convo.yml", package = "convo") convo <- read_convo(path) vbl_names <- c("IND_A_AVG", "IND_B_SUM") rename_convo(vbl_names, convo)
#> [1] "P_A" "N_B"
if (FALSE) { data.frame( IND_A = sample(0:1, 10, replace = TRUE), IND_B = sample(0:1, 10, replace = TRUE) ) %>% summarize_all(list(SUM = sum, AVG = mean)) %>% rename_all(~rename_convo(., convo)) }