Throughout development of this package, I drew much inspiration from a variety of workflow-enhancing R packages and learned a lot from blog posts and source code. This section gives kudos to those resources and their creators. The one caveat is that this list is almost surely incomplete.

Package Design

projmgr’s emphasis on project management means that it aspires to the class of workflow enhancing packages. Such packages don’t take center stage in data analysis but instead attempt to improve rote processes and reduce the mental overhead of switching contexts between one’s analysis and other ancillary tasks.

Two packages that exemplify workflow enhancement are pkgdown and usethis. They inspired me to think broadly about this type of package and also specifically inspired certain functionality and implementation within projmgr. In particular, pkgdown inspired my use of YAML templates for project plans and the inclusion of template_ functions to demonstrate how that YAML should be structured. usethis includes many browse_ functions to help users navigate to various websites easily, and I borrowed this concept and implementation for projmgr’s set of browse_ functions.

Using APIs in R

Before you write an API wrapper, you have to learn the basics of APIs. Here are a few great talks on using the httr R package:

Writing API Packages in R

Example API Packages

I prowled through countless GitHub repos on this journey, but here are a few API packages that I kept digging into particularly to see if what I was doing made sense.

  • Kyle Walker’s tidycensus package
  • Charlie Thompson’s spotifyr package
  • Amanda Dobbyn’s postal package
  • Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel’s ghclass package
  • RStudio’s gh package

R Package Development

Finally, while I was not new to package development, this process was of course facilitated by the phenomanl resources that are: