The utility of the post
functions generally come not
when filing one-off issues but when automating a bulk upload of issues.
One use case for this is when using GitHub as a management platform for
business metrics tracking.
As a toy example, suppose an analyst is already using R to report quarterly sales data and look for anomalous performance. After some wrangling, suppose their data looks something like this.
head(sales_data) #> region month sales_amt sales_expected #> 1 Northeast October 3144 5000 #> 2 Southeast October 5394 5000 #> 3 Midwest October 4204 4000 #> 4 Southwest October 7442 4000 #> 5 Northwest October 2470 2000
Assume they have some criterion to determine how much of a difference between actual metrics and expectations warrants further investigation. For simplicity in this example, we will look at observations exceeding 25% error. In this case, that yield two regions.
deviations <- dplyr::filter(sales_data, abs(sales_amt - sales_expected) >= 0.25 * sales_expected ) deviations #> region month sales_amt sales_expected #> 1 Northeast October 3144 5000 #> 2 Southwest October 7442 4000
Using purrr::pmap_chr()
, it is easily to automatically
post these issues to a GitHub repository. The result returned is the
number of the GitHub issues posted.
# create custom function to convert dataframe to human-readable issue elements post_kpis <- function(ref, region, month, sales_amt, sales_expected){ post_issue(ref, title = paste(region, ifelse(sales_amt < sales_expected, "below", "above"), "sales expectations in", month), body = paste( "**Region**: ", region, "\n", "**Month**: ", month, "\n", "**Actual**: ", sales_amt, "\n", "**Expected**: ", sales_expected, "\n" ), labels = c( paste0("region:",region), paste0("month:",month), paste0("dir:", ifelse(sales_amt < sales_expected, "below", "above")) ) ) } # post as issues on GitHub experigit <- create_repo_ref('emilyriederer', 'experigit') pmap_chr(deviations, post_kpis, ref = experigit)
#> [1] 158 159
Results then appear as normal GitHub issues with whatever title, body, labels, or assignees you chose to specify. From here, various parties can discuss next steps in the comments, include in milestones, and ultimate seek to resolve the issue.
Issue created from out-of-bounds metric
The same approach holds up to more complex dataframes comparing more
metrics. Suppose all of your expectations are contained in a “shadow
matrix”, similar to the treatment of missing data described in the naniar
head(performance_data) #> region month sales_actual returns_actual visitors_actual sales_expected #> 1 Northeast October 3023 310 64 5000 #> 2 Southeast October 5264 505 101 5000 #> 3 Midwest October 4446 407 80 4000 #> 4 Southwest October 7276 706 142 4000 #> 5 Northwest October 2228 201 45 2000 #> returns_expected visitors_expected #> 1 300 60 #> 2 200 100 #> 3 400 160 #> 4 700 140 #> 5 200 40
With a bit of data wrangling with tidyr
, we can make one
unique record per region, month, and metric.
performance_pivoted <- performance_data %>% tidyr::gather(metric, value, -region, -month) %>% tidyr::separate(metric, into = c('metric', 'type'), sep = "_") %>% tidyr::spread(type, value) print(performance_pivoted) #> region month metric actual expected #> 1 Midwest October returns 407 400 #> 2 Midwest October sales 4446 4000 #> 3 Midwest October visitors 80 160 #> 4 Northeast October returns 310 300 #> 5 Northeast October sales 3023 5000 #> 6 Northeast October visitors 64 60 #> 7 Northwest October returns 201 200 #> 8 Northwest October sales 2228 2000 #> 9 Northwest October visitors 45 40 #> 10 Southeast October returns 505 200 #> 11 Southeast October sales 5264 5000 #> 12 Southeast October visitors 101 100 #> 13 Southwest October returns 706 700 #> 14 Southwest October sales 7276 4000 #> 15 Southwest October visitors 142 140
After that, the process of identifying deviations and posting these to a repository is the same as above.