Interprets list representation of plan, using HTML to format results in a highly readable and attractive way. Resulting object returned is a character vector of HTML code with the added class of 'knit_asis' so that when included in an RMarkdown document knitting to HTML, the results will be correctly rendered as HTML.

report_plan(plan, show_ratio = TRUE)



List of project plan, as returned by read_plan()


Boolean. Whether or not to report (# Closed Items / # Total Items) for each group as a ratio


Returns character string of HTML with class attribute to be correctly shown "as-is" in RMarkdown


The resulting HTML unordered list (<ul>) is tagged with class 'report_plan' for custom CSS styling.

See also

Other plans and todos: post_plan(), post_todo(), read_plan(), read_todo(), report_todo(), template_yaml()


if (FALSE) { # the following could be run in RMarkdown plan_path <- system.file("extdata", "plan-ex.yml", package = "projmgr", mustWork = TRUE) my_plan <- read_plan(plan_path) report_plan(my_plan) }