Interprets dataframe or tibble of items (e.g. issues) by breaking apart groups (e.g. milestones), listing each item title as open or closed, and using HTML to format results in a highly readable and attractive way. Resulting object returned is a character vector of HTML code with the added class of 'knit_asis' so that when included in an RMarkdown document knitting to HTML, the results will be correctly rendered as HTML.

  group_var = "milestone_title",
  link_url = TRUE,
  show_ratio = TRUE,
  show_pct = TRUE



Dataframe or tibble of issues and milestones, as returned by get_issues() and parse_issues()


Character string variable name by which to group issues. Defaults to "milestone_title"


Boolean. Whether or not to provide link to each item, as provided by url column in dataset


Boolean. Whether or not to report (# Closed Items / # Total Items) for each group as a ratio


Boolean. Whether or not to report (# Closed Items / # Total Items) for each group as a percent


Returns character string of HTML with class attribute to be correctly shown "as-is" in RMarkdown


The resulting HTML unordered list (<ul>) is tagged with class 'report_progress' for custom CSS styling.

Items without a related group are put into an "Ungrouped" category. Filter these out before using this function if you wish to only show items that are in a group.

See also


if (FALSE) { repo <- create_repo_ref("emilyriederer", "projmgr") issues <- get_issues(repo, state = 'all') issues_df <- parse_issues(issues) report_progress(issues_df) }